The Client Interviewing Competitions allow law students to engage in a practical exercise invaluable to their future careers. The competition simulates an initial consultation between a prospective clients and solicitors of a firm. The competition requires students to discover relevant facts and information from their client, establish their objectives and provide appropriate legal and ethical advice. Clients can be irrational, emotional and reluctant to provide information, which presents a unique challenge for students.

 See an example problem here

What am I judged on?

  • Connection with client

  • Discovery of client’s story

  • Identification of legal issues

  • Conclusion and client care

  • Self reflection

Why should I try Client Interviewing?

This competition will prepare you for the real world where demand is placed on lawyers to develop legal and non-legal solutions to client problems under time pressures. Interviewing throws you into the deep-end and allows you to test your legal knowledge and its practical application.  You will develop skills crucial to effective communication, providing advice and building client rapport. Additionally, you will meet like-minded law students who are excited to develop their practical skills.